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Ticket holders go furious asking for refunds on SPXCEJXM getting cancelled

Ticket holders go furious asking for refunds on SPXCEJXM getting cancelled

Team Radio City

Announced in August last year, Spacejam quickly became one of the most hyped new music festivals in the country. Originally announcing international acts such asKodaline,Bastilledan,Moon child and Indian acts such as Parvaaz,Prateek Kuhaad, Blackstratbluesand more on their line-up, the fest had announced they had sold off their Pre-Sale and Early-Bird tickets. To be held in Bangalore and Mumbai on 4th and 5th November 2023, the festival mysteriously announced on their social media that it was to be postponed to April 2024.

Then came messages from Book My Show (their ticketing partner) that the festival had been cancelled and the ticket holders will be refunded their money back. Now, weeks after that message, ticket holders have been waiting for that refund. Many report reaching out to BMS's customer service and toSPXCEJXM'sIG with no one being of help. Artists booked on the line-up are reporting mismanagement while sources suggest that professionals who worked with the festival team have allegedly not been paid.Avrik Live, the booking agency responsible for bringing Russ to India in 2022 is allegedly the owner of the festival.



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